Next Meeting : Wednesday - Sep 4, 2024 - This week: Business Meeting & Board Meeting (Last business mtg of this Optimist year - Be there! )
Last week it was our honor to have members of the Burnett family tell us of their memories Of 9/11/2001 when their brother & uncle (Tom Burnett Jr) went down on Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. With us were his sister Martha Burnett Pettee and his nephew Devin Burnett O’Brien Tom, who years before was a teacher in Richfield, was In New York with his business partners to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on 9/11. A last minute decision to let his boss ring the bell found Tom Jr scheduling an early flight home, thus, he wound up on Flight 93 which was hi-jacked. Their memories of Tom Jr were poignantly recalled and they spoke of hearing the voices on the black box from The plane.
Saturday, Sept 14 we participated in the 1st annual cornhole club event At Braemar Golf area. Competition was fierce but the champs were the team called Edina Buggers - the duo of Pat Dale & Dennis Dietzler. Taking Silver honors were the team Richfield Spartans - this duo made up Of Steve Lindgren and Chip Sharrett. Also pitching corn bags were Mary Supple, Mike Supple,vs John Ashmead and Mary Ann Ashmead. It was a beautiful afternoon to be on the cornhole court. Thanks to Everyone involved for a fun day.
9/5 - Our annual Change of Watch is re-scheduled for WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 6:00 PM at the Bloomington Event Center on American Blvd. We'll order off the menu but the special will be Chicken & Ribs, coleslaw & potato for only $18.00. We will be doing signup staring this week. Hope you can make it.
As we sail into the final month and a half of our current Optimist year we need to be thinking about a candidate for Optimist of the Year and look forward to our annual Change of Watch event. Our current OOTY is Don Anderson, so he will be coordinating this years Change of Watch. If you would like to help, talk to Don. The event will be in the last week of September.
We will continue to meet in the Board Room during the summer, but will not get breakfast from the school kitchen. Coffee & Donuts on our own. Come in person if you can. Or catch the meeting on Zoom. Watch your e-mail for your weekly Zoom invite!